Fundación Esperanza Contigo, A.C.


Orphanages in Mexico need your help

Mayo 20, 2021

 The situation of orphanages in Mexico

It is difficult to have an official list of orphanages in Mexico, but it is estimated that today, there are around 879 orphanages in this country, which house at least 30,000 minors.

Children are homeless for various reasons. The main ones being the migration of their parents in search of opportunities, domestic violence, abandonment, and the war of organized crime. The situation worsens even more because we do not even have updated figures, however, it is estimated that there are more than 400 thousand children in a situation of abandonment.

Unfortunately, the adoption in Mexico is hugely complicated; it requires too much paperwork, there is little interest, and, in most cases, the legal situation of the minors prevents the adoption process. Due to the few data available, the National System for the Integral Development of Families (DIF) estimates that in Mexico City, between 2012 and 2016, only 105 orphaned children were adopted.

However, one might think that these care facilities will be in charge of providing the necessary support and medical care that a child in this situation may need. The situation is extremely sad and discouraging. In Mexico there is no control over these spaces. The authorities and institutions do not keep a count of the children who enter orphanages, so Mexico has been worthy of constant recommendations from international organizations, because, far from what we could think, in many orphanages child abuse and neglect can occur.

You might be wondering:

Why then should we help with donations and volunteering to these types of institutions?

The answer is quite simple: the only way to solve this serious problem and give the children of Mexico the opportunities they deserve is by collaborating with organizations that are in charge of not only supporting mexican orphanages, but also directly supervising and monitoring all benefited entities.

Mexico must legislate urgently to improve the situation of the orphanages and promote good practices, but definitely, the children cannot wait for the rusted machinery of the law in this country to work. We must take action and help these children have better opportunities. 

Fundación Esperanza Contigo: building a better future

At Fundación Esperanza Contigo we are committed to the care and support of children and young people from orphanages in Mexico. Our goal is to transform their lives and provide them with all the support they need to have the opportunity for a brighter future in which they can offer themselves a better quality of life.

We have established four programs and eleven commissions, which are in charge of researching and covering the children's needs fully.

Want to know the best part?

Not only do we know and provide children with what they need. At Fundación Esperanza Contigo we are concerned with following up, supervising, and directly monitoring all the benefited entities, thus we can be transparent and be accountable for the results and progress of the Foundation to our donors and sponsors.

Thanks to our Institutional Development Commission, we can promote and advise the correct administration of economic resources and legal obligations of the orphanages. Also, we offer training to the staff who collaborate there. This assures our donors and sponsors that help really reaches those who need it and is delivered in the best way.

In the same way, our Resources Procurement Commission identifies the particular needs of each foster care and researches the best way to solve them. Also, it is in charge of optimizing the processes that our donors require so that their contribution to society is satisfactory and free of setbacks.

Do you want to know all our Commissions and find out what each of them does?

Despite the precarious and adverse situation of mexican orphanages, Fundación Esperanza Contigo does an integral work that ensures the well-being and development of less fortunate children. 

How do we ensure that the orphanages in Mexico do a great job?

Our integral development model is based on three effective strategies:

1. Relationship with volunteers and donors

Our donors can rest assured that their help benefits those who should benefit, as we constantly keep them informed about how resources are managed in each of the orphanages. We are based on a principle of transparency that allows us to make the most of each resource we have.

2. Continuous development of the institutional model

We work in a constant review to be able to achieve the maximum social impact, in this way we can identify the opportunities for improvement and work on them.

3. Implementation and monitoring of support programs

We have four programs that ensure optimal performance of the Foundation, which, coordinated with each other, solve all the needs of our beneficiaries in a timely and effective manner. Each department oversees a particular task, thus ensuring that we cover not only the primary requirements of our children, but all those needs that may arise.

Learn about our programs:

1. Better equipped homes: it is responsible for the repair and equipping of the orphanages, thus ensuring a functional, pleasant, and safe space for all our children. We have the collaboration of specialists and professionals such as architects, engineers and designers who make sure to become orphanages in places that contribute to the excellent development of children.

2. Happier kids: in this program we ensure comprehensive care and development of children, providing the opportunity for a better quality of life in the future. We provide children with the necessary tools for the development of identity, values, technical capacities, and competences so that they can compete in the world that awaits them.

3. Young people with more opportunities: with this program, we offer young people the best tools so that when they leave the orphanage, they can develop successfully in the professional and personal sphere. We always have the support of our donor companies to find job opportunities. We take care of giving useful workshops that will promote the professional success of young people.

4. Most committed volunteers: program with which we provide continuous training for better development of our youth and volunteers.

Get involved today!

At Fundación Esperanza Contigo, there are multiple ways to join this noble cause and help children who do not have parental support. By getting involved with our Foundation, you can be sure that your help will be totally aimed at providing children with a better future, thus contributing to a society where everyone has the opportunity to develop fully. 

How can you help orphanages in Mexico?

- Economic donations

With our sponsorship model, both companies and individuals contribute to the development of children in Mexico through monthly financial donations, there are different levels, find one that suits your possibilities.

- In kind donations

The orphanages take care of a large number of children, so the supplies mean a significant expense. You can help cover the necessities of our children by donating some of the items they need most, the most common are food, clothing, school supplies and personal hygiene items.

- Volunteer network

Support children in a close way by offering your professional skills to the Foundation. Our network of volunteers is made up of multidisciplinary professionals who contribute their knowledge and skills to the development and comprehensive well-being of children.

- Internships and social service

What better way to fulfil your university internships or social service than contributing to the well-being of children in orphanages?

So, don't wait another minute and join us! 

Con la sociedad

Gracias al apoyo de nuestros donantes, así como al esfuerzo de nuestra red de voluntarios, aliados y equipo de trabajo, hemos logrado impactar positivamente la vida de niños y jóvenes en situación de abandono en toda la ciudad.
