Fundación Esperanza Contigo, A.C.


Summer Camp 2019: La Gloria Orphanage

Mayo 20, 2021

Fundación Esperanza Contigo, A.C. (FEC) carried out for the first time a “Summer Camp” 2019 with the intention of promoting a healthy lifestyle, organizing recreational activities for the children of “Casa Hogar La Gloria” (orphanage).

This initiative lasted 8 Saturdays, that started on July 6th with the help of the FEC team and its network of collaborators, different workshops were given to the children of the orphanage. Some of the topics were, management of emotions, health and human welfare, an art and cooking workshop, a vocational day, sports activities, English classes, and ecology.

Throughout the summer they had the opportunity to interact and learn from different special guests such as Ladies Volunteers from the Red Cross Tijuana, Captain Alvarez from the Tijuana Fire Department, Chef Algira Garzón, Athlete Henry “Bure” Briones, Physical Instructor Alberto García, Professor of Martial Arts Sergio Gonzalez, Dancers Camila Mora Beltrán, Mariana and Natalia Talavera Flores; with the purpose of teaching the children, sharing their work and experience.

Each of the activities that took place within the “Summer Camp” were planned so that the children could learn through playing games, as well as develop different skills and abilities for their benefit. Fundación Esperanza Contigo, A.C. donated to “Casa Hogar La Gloria” 10 soccer balls to carry out the sports activities prepared for the children, in order to promote sports and physical health. Alberto Beltrán from Inmobiliaria CII S. de R.L. de C.V. donated food for the closing celebration of the “Summer Camp”.

This initiative ended on August 31 with a sports rally in which the entire volunteer network that participanted sat down to share the best moments of the summer and the skills their adquired.

Fundación Esperanza Contigo, A.C.'s mission since 2016 is to transform the lives of abandoned children by providing them with a full family experience through a comprehensive development model that generates opportunities for their adulthood. 

Con la sociedad

Gracias al apoyo de nuestros donantes, así como al esfuerzo de nuestra red de voluntarios, aliados y equipo de trabajo, hemos logrado impactar positivamente la vida de niños y jóvenes en situación de abandono en toda la ciudad.
